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Upload Product Images
Uploading a picture taken by yourself could earn you 20-100 points (0.02-0.1) USD if it is approved by has the right to use the pictures adopted.
"Уважаемые клиенты, за размещение фотографий товаров, сделанных собственноручно, на нашем сайте, администрация BuySKU присвоит вам от 20-100 баллов (т.е 0.02-0.1$)"
1. You must be a member of BuySKU and have signed in your account.
2. Then, open the corresponding product page and click the link of "upload product image" to enter the page of     uploading images.

3. Fill in needed information and choose pictures you want to upload. Only pictures of JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG format     within 4MB are acceptable. The better the picture is, the more points it would earn.

Images with good effect can earn more points easily.

4. Click "Upload" to submit the images. If the image is relatively large, it will need some time to upload. We would     audit the picture after your uploading. You will be rewarded with points if the images have passed the auditing.

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