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Upload Product Videos
Uploading a product video to Youtube and providing the link to us, you could earn
200-500 points (0.2-0.5) USD if the video is approved.
"Уважаемые клиенты, вы можете разместить на Youtube видео о приобретенном товаре в нашем интернет-магазине, после размещения выслать нам ссылку страницы, где было размещено видео. Вознагрождение за размещения видео о нашей продукции 200-500 баллов (т.е 0.2-0.5$)."
1. You must be
a member of BuySKU and have signed in your account.
2. Open the corresponding product page and click the link of "upload product video"
to enter the page of
uploading videos.
3. Fill in needed information. Please mind the correctness of the YouTube address.
The better and more popular
the video is, the more points it would earn.

Good or popular videos can earn more points easily.
4. Click "Upload" button to submit the video. We would audit it after your uploading.
You will be rewarded
with points if the videos have passed the auditing.
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